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Science & Media

Terry Schneider

Hi my name is Mr. Schneider and I currently teach Science and Media. I've been teaching "Hands-On" Science for over 20 years. I look forward to having the opportunity to present "Science" in a fun "Hands-On" and exciting way to all the students. I love to witness "light bulbs" going off in all the young "Junior Scientists" that visit our Hands-On Science Center. Nothing makes my day feel any better then to observe the emotions and excitement children receive witnessing "Scientific Things" for the very first time! My motto has always been "Children/We are all scientists…We just have to take the time to observe the smaller things in life!"

Literacy is also a very important part of an Early Childhood experience! As a Media specialist, I will instill the love of learning to read! I’ll share the importance of building your child’s vocabulary through puppets, props while sharing laughter and giggles! The Alameda staff truly believes that reading is very important and a child should be read to at least 20 min. a day! I look forward to helping your child achieve a fun and exciting experience each and every time they visit the Media Center!

If you have any concerns about Science or Media please feel free to email me!

Mr. Schneider pic